Since 2010, Iona has not missed one week of ministering to the homeless and hungry on the streets of Memphis. We made a commitment to God and our neighbors that every Tuesday we would gather as a group of Jesus followers and spend the afternoon making burritos to share with anyone in need of a meal. We make a minimum of 8,000 burritos every year.
We have had as few as four and as many as twenty-five people hit the streets each Tuesday. We’ve helped introduce hands-on urban ministry to dozens of congregations by providing an opportunity for their church members to get involved and touch the hands and hearts of our friends on the street. We’ve learned the names and heard the stories of hundreds of people that struggle to survive in a harsh world. We’ve fed, them, clothed them, laughed and cried with them, hugged them, prayed with them, and even buried a few of them.
This is a ministry of love. We’ve met many generous and caring supporters who share their wealth with us. Good people make homemade cookies, buy bottled water, knit scarves and hats, and purchase packages of socks and underwear. Congregations, Sunday School classes, and individuals donate sleeping bags, blankets, ponchos, and backpacks. Charlie’s Meat Market has been especially kind in donating quality ground beef for the burritos each week.
It takes about $150 a week to run the Burrito Ministry. God has continued to amaze us in how that $150 is provided. We’ve had strangers stop their cars in the middle of the street and hand us money. Anonymous givers leave cash in envelopes taped to our door. Unsolicited checks arrive in the mail. Donations are handed to us on the street, at church, or at the store when we are buying tortillas.
Perhaps generosity increases when someone can see the direct results of their gift. Maybe it is because the Burrito Ministry is very hands-on and open to absolutely anyone who is interested in participating directly with the recipients. But it seems most likely that God is simply prompting folks to participate in what is going on.
So, we would like to say thanks to everyone who shares, donates, works, prays, or participates in any way in Iona’s Burrito Ministry. We also want to invite you to join us whenever you have a chance.
Burrito Ministry
Tuesdays (Rain or Shine)
4:00 pm - Prepare Burritos
5:00 pm - Serve
Meet at First United Methodist Church
204 North Second Street
Memphis, TN 38105
Donations are tax deductible and may be sent to:
1790 Faxon Avenue
Memphis, TN 38112
Iona's Wish List is a great way to be involved! Click on the link below to purchase items that support the Burrito Ministry. They will be delivered directly to Iona.
Did you know you can support Iona just by shopping at Kroger? Sign up on your Kroger Account for Community Awards. Look for Iona Community of Faith (Organization Number is ER314).
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